Friday, April 2, 2010


Another perk with having an in-house printer is that I get to write my own workbook for the upcoming WRITE YOU OWN ADVENTURE class and have it bound like a composition book. That's what I'm working on today. Would have loved to take a class like this when I was just starting out. It will include:
  1. The Not-S0-Basics
  2. Plot and Structure
  3. Self-Editing
  4. Branding

Idaho Author Fun Fact: Deborah Donnelly came up with the idea for her wedding planner mysteries while taking a class like this. She didn't realize that the class she had signed up for continued from a previous class where everyone had already started their novels.

So not having any idea about what to write on, she was surprised when the teacher pointed to her and asked, "What does your protagonist do?" Deborah had been planning a wedding with her best friend, and she automatically responded, "She's a wedding planner." Then the teacher asked, "Where does she live?" Deborah had recently been on a houseboat and so she responded, "She lives on a houseboat in Seattle."

Thus her series was born. Death Takes a Honeymoon is even set in Sun Valley, Idaho. (Same place where my first novel will be set. Tee-hee.)

Back to the class...If you are interested in getting your words into print, please let me help you out. All you have to do is sign up here.

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